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OLD – SuperFrio News

SuperFrio adquire unidade refrigerada da Austral na Grande Salvador-BA

SuperFrio acquires Austral's refrigerated unit in Greater Salvador-BA

SuperFrio, a company controlled by Pátria Investimentos, and one of the leaders in the refrigerated logistics industry in South America, announced today the acquisition of Austral's refrigerated unit in Simões Filho/BA, metropolitan region of Salvador. The transaction is an important step in the company's strategic planning, which intends to operate more than 30 refrigerated logistics centers by 2023, and become one of the 15 largest companies in the world in its field of activity. The Simões Filho/BA unit, which from today will operate under the SuperFrio brand, is recognized by customers as a reference in the quality of services provided and customer service. The warehouse currently has a capacity of 12,000 pallets, 6,000 of which are in refrigerated environments and...

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SuperFrio iniciará operações no Mato Grosso no 2º trimestre

SuperFrio will start operations in Mato Grosso in the 2nd quarter

Unit is the 17th of the company, which intends, by 2023, to operate 30 logistics centers The 17th unit of SuperFrio in Brazil already has an address, in the State of Mato Grosso. The company, controlled by Pátria Investimentos and one of the leaders in the refrigerated logistics industry in South America, will start operations in the state, with the implementation of the logistics center in Campo Verde/MT, specialized in offering solutions for customers in the seed and agrochemicals, in addition to distributors and agricultural resellers. According to the Commercial Manager of the Agro segment, Josiane Galócio, the new unit is part of the 2020 strategic plan, which aims to position 4 logistics centers in the Midwest region, strengthening the relationship with current customers and aiming at new partnerships....

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SuperFrio anuncia sua primeira unidade no Mato Grosso do Sul e plano de crescimento agressivo para região Centro-Oeste em 2020

SuperFrio announces its first unit in Mato Grosso do Sul and aggressive growth plan for the Midwest region in 2020

This is the 16th of a total of 30 units that the company plans until 2023 SuperFrio, a company controlled by Pátria Investimentos, and one of the leaders in the refrigerated logistics industry in South America, will start operations in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in February . This will be the group's first unit in the state and the 16th in the country. The logistics center in Campo Grande/MS will offer solutions for agribusiness customers, protein producers, the food industry, distributors and retailers. The company already operates in the states of São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina, with a strong presence in the agribusiness, food service, general storage, distribution, export and import markets. According to the Commercial Manager of the Agro segment,...

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