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OLD – SuperFrio News

SuperFrio inaugura seu 5º Centro de Distribuição em Ribeirão Preto

SuperFrio inaugurates its 5th Distribution Center in Ribeirão Preto

SuperFrio inaugurates its 5th Distribution Center in Ribeirão Preto, with a state-of-the-art project to serve the seed market In August, SuperFrio started operating the most modern distribution center focused on seed operations in Brazil; The project is the result of a long-term partnership and relationship with one of its main customers – one of the largest seed producing companies in the world. SuperFrio, a company controlled by Patria Investimentos, and one of the leaders in the refrigerated logistics industry in South America, invested R$ 20 million in the construction of a dedicated state-of-the-art DC for one of its main clients, in the city of Ribeirão Preto/SP, on the banks of the Anhanguera Highway. The development is in line with...

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SuperFrio anuncia investimentos de R$ 120 milhões em centro logístico frigorificado na Grande São Paulo

SuperFrio announces investments of R$ 120 million in a refrigerated logistics center in Greater São Paulo

SuperFrio strengthens its presence in the largest consumer region in Brazil, in a strategic location for distribution operations, located on the RodoAnel and close to the Raposo Tavares Highway SuperFrio, a company controlled by Patria Investimentos, and one of the leaders in the refrigerated logistics industry in South America , announced investments of R$ 120 million in a new and modern refrigerated logistics center in the Greater São Paulo region. The venture strengthens SuperFrio's presence in the largest consumer region in Brazil – in addition to this new DC, the company already operates a DC in Jacareí and another in Mairinque. The works will start in September/19 and will be finished in April/2020. The new logistics center will have a capacity of around 20,000 pallet positions,...

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Implantação HACCP – Segurança de Alimentos

HACCP Implementation - Food Safety

In order to offer our customers a high level of quality in our services, SuperFrio started in 2018 the implementation of the HACCP Program (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point), which is based on the requirements of the FSSC 22000 and BRC standards , both recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). This program uses a method to identify hazards and create measures to control them, in order to guarantee the safety of products, as well as the protection of consumers and human health. The first unit with HACCP implemented was in Ribeirão Preto/SP, which had the support of a consultancy specializing in Management Systems with a focus on Food Safety. Subsequently, it was completed...

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Segurança de Alimentos e HACCP em operações logísticas

Food Safety and HACCP in Logistic Operations

For SuperFrio, Food Safety is a priority and implementing this culture is a challenging path, but it brings us many advantages and good results. The application of procedures are based on Prerequisite Programs and Self-Control Programs, which, in Brazil, is also verified by the Federal Inspection Service (SIF). Both programs operate under constant monitoring and verification. Protecting our customers' brands and ensuring safe food is the main mission of our...

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SuperFrio adquire unidade de Cascavel/PR da EspaçoFrio

SuperFrio acquires EspaçoFrio's unit in Cascavel/PR

Expansion of SuperFrio's footprint in the interior of the state of PR strengthens its presence in the largest poultry and pork producing region in Brazil, and opens up opportunities for new operations in agribusiness and distribution in the western region of Paraná. SuperFrio, a company controlled by Patria Investimentos, and one of the leaders in the refrigerated logistics industry in South America, announced today the acquisition of EspaçoFrio's Cascavel/PR unit. The transaction strengthens SuperFrio's presence in Brazil's largest poultry and pork producing region; the region is also one of the largest fish producers in the country and a major consumer of corn and soy seeds – another important market served by the company. The unity...

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SuperFrio inaugura sua 4ª unidade em Ribeirão Preto/SP e a 10ª no Brasil

SuperFrio inaugurates its 4th unit in Ribeirão Preto/SP and the 10th in Brazil

Result of a deal signed with one of the largest food companies in the world, SuperFrio built in record time the largest and most modern refrigerated distribution center in the interior of São Paulo SuperFrio, a company controlled by Pátria Investimentos, and one of the leaders in the industry of refrigerated logistics in South America, inaugurated on June 1st its newest unit, located in Ribeirão Preto. The result of a project carried out jointly with one of its main customers, the refrigerated distribution center is the largest and most modern in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Investments were in excess of R$ 30 million. The distribution center has a capacity of around 7,000 pallets, approximately...

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SuperFrio chega a Vera Cruz e amplia atendimento no estado de São Paulo

SuperFrio arrives in Vera Cruz and expands service in the state of São Paulo

Last Tuesday, November 27, SuperFrio officially opened its unit in Vera Cruz (SP), a municipality located in the region of Marília. The unit, which required R$ 25 million in investments, has a capacity of 38,000 m³, arranged in 5,600 positions – with pallet-lift and drive-in storage modalities –, has 12 docks, six chambers, three antechambers and 13 meters of right foot. It is worth remembering that the building serves operations of frozen, cooled, air-conditioned and dry products. On site, in addition to storage, the company also offers a transport service. The new logistics plant arrives to distribute products to small retailers located in the northwest region of the state of São Paulo. The expectation is that 20 customers in the segment...

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Simpósio da Cadeia do Frio ABIAF 2018

ABIAF Cold Chain Symposium 2018

      Representatives of the main 'players' in the world market of the cold storage sector participated in the last October 18th of the Cold Chain Symposium 2018, held in São Paulo by the partner associations Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA) and Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Armazenagem Refrigerated (ABIAF). The event brought together around 100 participants at the Blue Tree Premium Faria Lima Hotel, including suppliers of products and services for the sector. Francisco Moura, chairman of the board of GCCA Brasil and ABIAF and CEO of SuperFrio, hosted the event, and presented an analysis of the current Brazilian cold storage capacity. Corey Rosenbusch, CEO of GCCA Global, provided insight into the growth and profitability...

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