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10 benefits of outsourcing refrigerated logistics operations

Post Published on 02/25/22 | 4 pm


Have you ever thought about investing in a logistics operator? Do you know what benefits come from this investment? 

It is common to imagine that a logistics operator is a function, but it is the outsourced provision of logistics services from a company to other organizations. There are logistics operators for different sectors, for example, foreign trade and automobiles, as well as some that are focused on cold logistics, for chains that need a cold room.

The outsourcing of logistics operations has become a trend in the market, thanks to the advantages it offers to businesses, benefiting both companies and consumers.

When planned and thought out strategically, logistics is capable of creating advantages over the competition, which increases the organization's competitiveness.

What is logistics outsourcing and how is it applied?

Outsourcing logistics basically means delegating tasks to one or more partner companies that are experts in the field. This includes, of course, the distribution of products, but it can also include the transport and storage of raw materials, components, goods, among others. Much more than a supplier, the logistics provider is a strategic commercial partner, which contributes its business expertise and adds technology and necessary assets.

We separate 10 benefits that outsourcing logistics can bring to your company:

Benefits of outsourcing the logistics operation

Among the many benefits obtained by outsourcing the logistics operation, we have selected 10 for you:

1. Focus on the core business and corporate strategy

One of the greatest benefits generated by outsourcing services is the possibility of keeping managers focused on the core business. You and your team can be truly dedicated to your business and the company's strategy. Secondary concerns are shared with partners, as well as responsibility for the operation. In this way, it is possible to direct efforts, knowledge and energy to improve management, achieve objectives and achieve the planned results.

2. Cost reduction

This is probably the most attractive benefit for companies that outsource their logistics. By delegating work to a service provider, it is possible to reduce logistical costs and, in many cases, even replace fixed costs with variable costs.

3. Process optimization

You optimize logistical processes, and save time and money, which is essential for any organization. By outsourcing the operation, the company now has a simplified control of the costs and work of this activity.

 4. Use of know-how

Service providers have specific knowledge in the contracted area, they are specialists in the field of logistics. Your company can benefit from this to correct failures and improve several points.

5. Use of equipment

Partners specialized in logistics have specific equipment for the storage and transport of materials. In this way, your organization's work is facilitated, which reduces costs with the acquisition and maintenance of these items.

6. Increased service quality

By outsourcing the logistics operation, your team has more time to develop strategies and solutions that improve services and products. Consequently, this process is reflected in the increase in the quality of service provided to customers, generating more satisfaction and loyalty.

7. Prioritize investments

The contracted company constantly invests in the acquisition of new technologies and in the qualification of its teams to maintain the competitive differential in the logistics area. Therefore, your company can prioritize investments that are more relevant to your sector.

8. Build productive partnerships

In outsourcing, it is possible to build partnerships with suppliers, in addition to the service contract. By hiring a technically specialized company, which has knowledge and experience in the market, you will add value to your strategies.

9. Optimize the time of managers and professionals

As a result of outsourcing, the time of managers and other professionals is optimized and directed to other functions, as some activities are now carried out by service providers. We can also point out the reduction of work overload, from a more adequate division of responsibilities, and with the professionalization of processes.

10. Expand the business in a structured way

Together, all the benefits arising from outsourcing the logistics operation favor business expansion. With management focused on the core business, cost reduction, internal quality processes and productive partnerships, it is easier to plan and execute actions for the expansion of your company. In addition, providers are also able to sustain the growth of the operation without the need for large investments, especially in infrastructure or technology.

Now that you know the main advantages of outsourcing logistics, how about talking to the SuperFrio team and requesting a quote? Click here to access.

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