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Superfrio's role in the growing protein export sector

Publication made on 01/11/2023 - 1:00 pm


The export of proteins in Brazil has proven to be a resilient sector with good prospects. In 2021 alone, the growing industry reached record numbers, mainly in the poultry and pig farming market. 

An essential requirement for proteins to go through the export process with the same quality from start to finish are the storage and transport conditions of these products.

Most proteins require that they be stored and transported under constant refrigeration, thus preventing their rapid deterioration and extending the shelf life of the food. This is SuperFrio's mission.

In the next lines you will discover how SuperFrio is responsible for moving the sector and contributes exponentially to the growth and development of partner companies. 


Strategic location and security along the way


SuperFrio uses the latest technology in logistics, with a network and an efficient fractional distribution management system, integrated with ERP, TMS and customer systems.

With expertise in fast and efficient transport, it has all its units strategically positioned both close to the Clients' Production Plants and the main ports in Brazil.

We have the main qualifications to meet the demands of the foreign market. With strict temperature and quality control, all units comply with the standards and requirements of the Sanitary Surveillance and Federal Inspection Service.

Cold logistics solutions are developed taking into account the entire transport and storage chain. The purpose is to improve the efficiency of the service provided and gain each customer. 


Presence in Brazil and worldwide


With the aim of shortening distances for our customers, today SuperFrio has 39 units spread across 15 states in Brazil, totaling approximately 350,000 pallet positions and 2.4 million m³ of refrigerated area.

In addition to the Distribution Centers, the unit located in Garuva/SC offers a Container Patio service with a capacity of 150 outlets. The installation is focused solely on monitoring and moving containers until delivery to the port and provides all the necessary infrastructure for internal movements. 

With units present throughout Brazil, the units in the Southeast, South and Midwest are targeted for export. 

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SuperFrio do Sul and Southeast units

The vast list of qualifications of these Units make them suitable for the main destinations in the foreign market. 

SuperFrio stands out as an important national cold warehouse accredited by the Federal Inspection Service and has qualifications for the Common Market, Europe, Russia, Chile, among other main export markets. 

With a sector focused only on management and the opening of new qualifications, SuperFrio has always been following the needs of its customers. Consequently, it receives periodic audits by the agency, as well as external audits initiated by customers. 

In addition to the qualifications and international recognition for providing services, the company stands out for the location of its distribution centers. 

Like the Garuva CD located next to Porto Itapoá, the Mairinque CD close to Porto Santos, in addition to the distribution center in Cambé established next to the railroad that flows into Porto Paranaguá. 

Like Cascavel, this unit is close to the main production plants in Paraná.

Enabling connections and reaching new markets, SuperFrio is qualified to export to all continents in the world.

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SuperFrio Distribution in the World

Vision of the future and successful partnerships in the export of proteins


SuperFrio is a company that invests in solutions that generate development. That is why we are investing in the construction of the Garuva Distribution Center in Santa Catarina.

In this way, we serve increasingly efficiently the growing export demand of customers throughout the South Region, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.

The construction of this unit was carried out in record time, 180 days from the purchase of the land to the delivery of the facilities ready for operation.

Today, the Region is an export and import hub, the role of the Distribution Center is to provide all the necessary operational infrastructure to serve the entire chain, handling more than 30 thousand tons per month. 

With an increasing demand for Brazil to export proteins (poultry, pork and beef) we believe in a promising scenario for the future. 

The export of poultry, pork and beef proteins provides a promising scenario based on a progressive demand for Brazil.

Superfrio works to have the main qualifications and all the necessary infrastructure to support the growth of our clients in this segment, being informed, qualified, and always looking to be ahead of possible fluctuations and trends in the foreign market. 

Our wish and goal is to be prepared to support the growth of this chain that is so important for our global economic scenario. 

Know the SuperFrio's solutions for all types of food logistics. 

