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Stop for a while: life asks for balance

Publication made on 01/17/2023 - 1:00 pm


In this first month of the year, we usually stop to reflect on our history, the meaning and purpose of life. Usually we also think about the quality of our relationships, we revisit our emotions, our past life challenges, thoughts and behaviors.

No wonder this was the month chosen to represent mental health in Brazil, becoming “White January“. It is estimated that out of every 100 people, at least 30 suffer or will suffer, at some point in their lives, from mental health problems. 

In 2023, the theme chosen for the White January campaign is “Life asks for balance”. It's time to reflect on how we act and deal with our day-to-day tasks, how we organize our routine between professional demands and other areas of our lives. A renewal of actions and thoughts is necessary for the year that begins. 

The objective of this year's campaign is to raise awareness of mental health care for the population, based on the prevention of diseases resulting from stress, including the most common mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety and panic.

We know that there is no single form of mental illness in citizens. Therefore, to keep mental health up to date, SuperFrio indicates some attitudes that are valuable:


  • Practice physical activity, 
  • Maintain a healthy diet, 
  • if you hydrate, 
  • Have quality sleep 
  • Take good care of relationships, 
  • If you value (this includes the professional area), 
  • Being in the company of optimistic people who make you feel good.

Be aware of how your body and mind are responding to your everyday life, and if you have symptoms and signs such as:

  • Insomnia or irregular sleep; 
  • Drop in energy levels; 
  • Unusual changes in appetite, such as loss or overeating 
  • Sudden mood swings, such as irritability and sadness; 
  • Loss of interest in activities previously considered interesting; 
  • Inability to fulfill your routine obligations; 
  • Slow reasoning and loss of concentration.

These signs can be considered as a mental health alert. If you have any of them, don't wait for improvement without seeking advice from a health professional. In this case, seek care at the Basic Health Unit in the region where you live, so that the Family Health teams can monitor it, in addition to referrals, when necessary, to specialized care at the Psychosocial Care Centers (Caps).

In case of a psychiatric outbreak, it is necessary to call the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu 192) to be referred to the nearest urgent and emergency care.

SuperCold wishes everyone a 2023 with good physical and mental health!
