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OLD – SuperFrio News

O papel da Superfrio no crescente setor de exportação de proteínas

Superfrio's role in the growing protein export sector

Published on 01/11/2023 - 13:00 The export of proteins in Brazil has proven to be a resilient sector with good prospects. In 2021 alone, the growing industry reached record numbers, mainly in the poultry and pig farming market. An essential requirement for proteins to go through the export process with the same quality from start to finish are the storage and transport conditions of these products. Most proteins require that they be stored and transported under constant refrigeration, thus preventing their rapid deterioration and extending the shelf life of the food. This is SuperFrio's mission. In the following lines you will find out how SuperFrio is responsible for moving the sector and contributing to growth...

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Servitização: o que é e para que serve?

Servitization: what is it and what is it for?

Publication made on 10/24/2022 - 13:00 The 4.0 Revolution, or 4th Industrial Revolution, brought new demands to businesses and companies. In this new era, most solutions are based on artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud and internet of things. It is in this scenario that some services gained space and importance. Today we will talk about one of them: servitization. In this article we will show you what this term means and what it is for. Good reading! What is servitization? Servitization is a term used to describe the transformation process of moving from selling products to delivering services. The service component becomes more and more important in business models. Services such as maintenance and logistics are increasingly linked...

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Dia mundial do chocolate: serviços da SuperFrio para o setor

World chocolate day: SuperFrio services for the sector

Publication made on 07/07/2022 - 13:00 We are in a period of the year with high consumption of chocolate. The cold increases the sale of the product. According to a survey by Abicab (Brazilian Association of the Chocolate, Cocoa, Peanut, Candy and Derivatives Industry), this time of year represents 29% of chocolate production in the year. This is the third most productive date for the sector, second only to Christmas and Easter. This number can be justified by the comfort that our body requires during the most rigorous winter. No one can deny the sensation of pleasure that food produces. This pleasure occurs because chocolate stimulates the production of serotonin, a substance in the brain linked to the sensation of pleasure and, with that, decreases the...

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Low Charge Ammonia: SuperFrio e responsabilidade ambiental

Low Charge Ammonia: SuperFrio and environmental responsibility

Publication made on 08/18/2022 - 13:00 Due to its physical properties, ammonia has been used for almost 150 years in industrial refrigeration processes to cause more efficient cooling. It is an excellent refrigerant because it has good heat transfer properties, it has no harmful effects on metals, lubricants and other materials used in refrigeration systems except copper, and its cost is much lower than most other refrigerants. Despite all these benefits, the time has now come to rethink its use in order to significantly contribute to sustainable solutions. Low Charme Ammonia is one of the main pillars of SuperFrio's environmental responsibility. For those who are not used to the term, we can...

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Festa junina e indústria alimentícia

Festa Junina and the food industry

Publication made on 03/06/2022 - 13:00 Since its origin, the June festivities have been events linked to agricultural production and contribute to strengthening the country's agro-regional culture. During the festivity, numerous foods based on corn and peanuts are produced, such as hominy, pamonha, pé de moleque, as well as drinks such as quentão. We cannot forget the dairy products that make up most of the typical dishes. Thinking about serving consumers, the retail sector must compose the mix with basic products for the production of food for the June festival. Other seasonal complements such as straw potatoes, chocolates, grated coconut and coconut milk also need to be stocked because their demand increases during this period. The meats...

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Conheça as vantagens de uma distribuição fracionada

Know the advantages of a fractional distribution

Publication made on 04/26/2022 - 13:00 Due to the demand for solutions that use logical, efficient and organized systems, distribution over long distances is one of the greatest challenges for any type of logistics organization. Therefore, having a Fractionated Distribution can be the great asset of companies. It allows the logistics system to deliver a large number of items in an agile and efficient manner and its greatest differential is to make different deliveries from a pre-fixed route, even counting on different distribution centers for goods. The advantages of Fractionated Distribution can be mitigated by a series of factors that must be optimized to guarantee an efficient service. Among the key points are communication between the various professionals responsible for delivery, transparency so that customers can monitor...

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6 unidades da SuperFrio receberam certificação internacional de eficiência energética

6 SuperFrio units received international energy efficiency certification

Post Published on 03/14/22 | 16:00 Superfrio, a company controlled by Pátria Investimentos and leader in the refrigerated logistics industry in South America, according to the International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses (IARW), is proud to announce that six of its units received international certification for energy efficiency. Energy efficiency aims to optimize the use of energy sources to reduce costs and collaborate with the environment. This means carrying out the same processes using fewer natural resources. SuperFrio has consistently demonstrated its commitment to energy efficiency in refrigerated environments. This sets it apart as a leader in the sector, being the only company in South America to receive the “Energy Excellence” certification issued by Global...

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Logística Fria: entenda o serviço prestado pela SuperFrio

Cold Logistics: understand the service provided by SuperFrio

Post Published on 03/03/22 | 16:00 SuperFrio is a company that works with cold logistics. Do you know what that really means? Less than three decades ago, distributors of cold products had freezer chambers that, for the most part, did not drop below -13°C and chilled ones stopped at +2°C, which, in theory, allowed the preservation of products in storage, but did not guarantee its conservation during transport between production, storage, distribution and point of sale. In these, the situation was worrying, as the conservation equipment was minimal and almost all of them were chambers for the maintenance of refrigerated goods of dubious quality. The situation was critical, but the non-requirement of...

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10 benefícios da terceirização da operação logística refrigerada

10 benefits of outsourcing refrigerated logistics operations

Post Published on 02/25/22 | 16:00 Have you thought about investing in a logistics operator? Do you know what benefits come from this investment? It is common to imagine that a logistics operator is a function, but it is the outsourced provision of logistics services from a company to other organizations. There are logistics operators for different sectors, for example, foreign trade and automobiles, as well as some that are focused on cold logistics, for chains that need a cold room. The outsourcing of logistics operations has become a trend in the market, thanks to the advantages it offers to businesses, benefiting both companies and consumers. When planned and thought out strategically, logistics is capable of creating advantages over...

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